Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'll give you all some ramblings of this past week :D

First of all, my happy news: I diagnosed a patient..a real one, at a hospital and I was right :D We had observations at outpatients in Mater Dei and this girl came in with no voice..and to put a long thought processing story short, she was diagnosed correctly by me and another girl in the class :D We got a thumbs up from the doctor in charge. Very proud moment. I also performed a rhinoscopy, which sounds nicer than it actually is...it's basically stuffing a metal thing up a patients nose and looking inside it with a shiny torch thingy..but still my hands were shaking and I thought I was going to pull the patients nostrils off :S

Also I wanted to mention something that I took away from the FGBMFI seminar. The only difference between those 100 something successful rich businessmen in that room and me (other than the obvious) is that they believe. Not only in an awesome God, but also in their potential as Christians that they can do all. All their testimonies had more or less the same pattern. life going great, bankruptcy, God, booming business. They all though had faith in what they could do and kept working on it and trusting in God. Success is one decision away :)


  1. Matt said...
    "Let hope rise" XD
    Simon said...
    im proud of my little sister doctor person. :)
    Unknown said...
    ahh how cool...so u wer in your white coat thing and all? ila ahh i can feel ur excitment!! well done =)

    to the FGBMFI thing..amen!!
    Rachel said...
    There's this quote by some guy about that faith/success thing.

    ...hehe i had to look for it cause i forgot it:
    When faced with a certain situation we should pray as if the entire outcome depended on God, and work as if it depended on us. - D.L. Moody

    (: congrats on the diagnosis ^^
    nessa said...
    Ila how good that is..thanks ach xD

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